
Before The Next Teardrop Falls - Roy Orbison

뛰노라면 2010. 3. 9. 11:11


Before The Next Teardrop Falls 


If he brings you happiness
Then I wish you all the best
It's your happiness that matters most of all
But if he ever breaks your heart
If the teardrops ever start
I'll be there before the next teardrops fall

I'll be there anytime you need me
By your side to dry away
Every teardrop that you cried
And If he ever leaves you blue
Just remember I love you
And I'll be there before the next teardrops fall
I'll be there before the next teardrops fall

Si te guieres de verdad yi te da, felicidad
Te de seo Lomas bueno Paralos dos
Pero si te senor a mi me
Puesdes hablar Estare contigo cuando
Triste estar

I'll be there anytime you need me
By your side to dry away
Every teardrop that you cried
And If he ever leaves you blue
Just remember I love you
And I'll be there before the next teardrops fall
I'll be there before the next teardrops fall




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